Become part of the
Strengthen our commitment to a fairer world
Become a member
As a member, you support the association with your annual membership fee. You are indispensable for us and our work. We distinguish between the following memberships:
- Membership FAIR! association: You support us ideally as a private person and become an official member of the FAIR association!
- Haus pour Bienne Membership: A contribution towards expenses for the regular private use of the Haus pour Bienne premises, e.g. for associations
- Patron membership: For patrons, organisations or companies
We look forward to seeing you and thank you in advance for your support.
Online payment
- Direct online payment (Twint, credit card, Postfinance)
Payment via bank transfer
- Payment by payment slip or bank transfer
Become a member online
What you make possible
As a member you strengthen our organisation as a whole
As a member you finance us long-term
With your membership you offer us financial security.
As a member, you stand up for Sustainability, human rights and Equal opportunities.