Climate & consumption

Our planetary resources are limited and the ecological impact of our consumer behaviour has increased dramatically in recent decades. In a world that is increasingly characterised by consumption, our decisions as consumers also play a role.

FAIR! is committed to ecological and socially responsible consumption that takes into account both the needs of today's generation and the needs of future generations.

We invite you to visit our 10.5 Tips that help you to get through everyday life in a more social and ecological way.

However, our understanding of sustainability goes beyond individual consumer behaviour - because our personal options for action are limited.

The international community, large corporations and the oil industry have recently been called upon to find sustainable solutions that are fair to future generations.

We are convinced that a sustainable future is only possible through a holistic approach. The combination of individual action, political decisions and corporate responsibility is the key. Only together do we have a chance of solving this man-made crisis of the century.

A sustainable future is possible. But everyone has to get involved.

Our commitment in the area of
Climate & consumption

Here in the Biel region, we promote alternatives that are environmentally friendly and socially just and raise awareness of the issue of consumption and climate. 10.5 Tips for a better world For example, we encourage people to buy local, organic products, use green electricity, switch to a plant-based diet, consume less and repair broken items. To this end, we regularly organise a Repair Café.

With the Repair Café Biel/Bienne, we have taken on a project that fits in perfectly with the goals and visions of the FAIR! association.

- Titus, Project Manager Repair Café Biel/Bienne

Our work is only possible thanks to the countless support of people like you. Your donation is also a decision in favour of sustainability, human rights and equal opportunities.

Further information on the topic of climate & consumption

Who is affected by climate change?

Climate change is not an abstract threat - it directly affects the lives of billions of people worldwide. According to the IPCC 2023 report, between 3.3 and 3.6 billion people are highly vulnerable to the negative consequences of climate change.

Are extreme weather phenomena really on the increase?

Extreme weather and natural disasters are on the rise. A child born today is likely to experience twice as many forest fires, two to three times as many droughts, three times as many crop failures and seven times as many heatwaves compared to their grandparents.

Source: Oxfam Germany

How much do the world's richer people contribute to climate change?

The richest ten per cent of the world's population, which includes a large proportion of the Swiss population, are responsible for more than half of global greenhouse gas emissions. One third of emissions are attributable to the richest one per cent. This one per cent of humanity produces twice as many greenhouse gases as the entire poorer half of the world's population.

Source: Oxfam Germany

Who emits the most CO2?

The top 100 fossil fuel producers, including ExxonMobil, Shell, BHP Billiton and Gazprom, are responsible for 71% of industrial greenhouse gas emissions since 1988, according to a report.

Source: Guardian

Where do we currently stand in dealing with the climate crisis?

Global CO₂ emissions are continuing to rise. In order to keep global warming below the critical 1.5°C limit in accordance with the Paris Agreement, global emissions would have to be reduced by almost half by 2030 compared to 2010. However, the climate protection measures taken by countries to date, as agreed in the Paris Agreement, are not sufficient to achieve this goal. Without additional efforts, emissions will increase by 16 per cent over the next ten years, which means a probable warming of 2.7°C by the end of the century.

Source: Oxfam Germany

How is climate change linked to the issue of flight and migration?

Climate change is forcing more and more people to leave their homes. In 2020, 30 million people were displaced by extreme weather events - three times more than by conflict. Countries such as China, the Philippines, India and Bangladesh were particularly affected. According to estimates, up to 1 billion people could be forced to leave their homes by 2050 due to climate change, for example because of rising sea levels in coastal regions.

Source: Oxfam Germany

By how many degrees has the earth already warmed up and is the COâ‚‚ concentration really that high?

Since industrialisation, our planet has become around 1.1°C warmer, mainly due to greenhouse gases. The current CO₂ concentration in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the last two million years.

Source: Oxfam Germany

Isn't combating climate change far too expensive?

The economic consequences of the climate crisis could rise to around 1.5 trillion US dollars by 2050 in countries with a low per capita income. The cost of effective climate protection is likely to be far lower than the cost of our current inaction.

Source: Oxfam Germany

Who is most affected by climate change?

Those people who have contributed the least to climate change are affected the most. In other words, the people in the Global South. This injustice emphasises the urgency of viewing climate action not just as environmental protection, but as global solidarity. Keyword: climate justice.

Source: IPPC Report 2023

What is actually meant by climate justice?

Climate justice refers to the ethical and social dimension of dealing with the effects of climate change. It calls for equal rights and opportunities for all people, regardless of their geographical location or economic situation. It centres on the recognition that the main burdens of climate change are often borne by communities that have contributed the least. Climate justice strives for global solutions that not only protect the environment, but also reduce social inequalities and enable a more resilient future for the most vulnerable.


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