Flight & Migration

In a globalised world characterised by far-reaching social, political and economic changes, flight and migration are key issues. These require a humane response.

We have been committed to sustainable development for over 10 years and we consider the issues of displacement and migration to be inseparable components of this commitment.

The situation for refugees at Europe's external borders is precarious - even after almost 10 years.

Tens of thousands of people are living in precarious and inhumane conditions in refugee camps in Greece, for example.

Throughout Europe, people are being pushed back from the EU as far as possible by means of illegal and violent pushbacks at the borders. And in the Aegean and in particular Thousands of people continue to drown in the Mediterranean in search of a better, often safer life. Mostly away from the public eye.

For the right to asylum and for the normalisation of migration.

Our commitment in the
Flight & Migration

We are committed to the often forgotten people on the run with Direct assistance to the world. At the same time, we raise awareness of the issue and show solidarity with all people who have had to leave their homes.

Once they arrive in Switzerland, many people face numerous other challenges. Locally, we are committed to Community and are firmly committed to peaceful and respectful coexistence and an equal opportunities society. This includes, in particular, our involvement in the initiative City Card Biel/Bienne.

FAIR Association! - FAIR pictogram quote2

Thanks to the constant support of the FAIR! association, we are able to provide around 100 babies a month with nappies for the whole month.

- Liska, co-founder Glocal Roots

Our work is only possible thanks to the countless support of people like you. Your donation is also a decision in favour of sustainability, human rights and equal opportunities.

Further information on the topic of flight & migration

How many refugees are there worldwide?

According to the latest report from the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR in June 2023, the number of forcibly displaced people worldwide is around 108.4 million - the largest number of displaced people ever recorded. It includes refugees (35.3 million), asylum seekers (5.4 million), internally displaced persons (62.5 million) and other people in need of protection (5.2 million).

Which countries have taken in the most refugees?

3,568,300 people, Colombia: 2,455,500 people, Iran: 3,425,100 people.

Other countries: Germany 2,075,500 persons, Pakistan 1,743,800 persons, Uganda 1,463,500 persons, Russia 1,277,700 persons, Sudan 1,097,100 persons, Peru 976,400 persons, Poland 971,100 persons

How many asylum applications are submitted each year?

Almost 2.9 million asylum applications were submitted worldwide in 2022. The USA, Germany and Costa Rica received the most applications. USA 730,400, Germany 217,800, Costa Rica 129,500.

And Switzerland? How many asylum applications are made in this country?

In 2022, 24,511 people applied for asylum in Switzerland. Over half of them came from Afghanistan, Turkey or Eritrea.

Are there many refugees who voluntarily return to their country?

339,300 refugees worldwide returned "voluntarily" to 38 countries of origin, which corresponds to a decrease of 90,000 or 21 per cent compared to the previous year. However, it is unclear to what extent the return was actually voluntary or, for example, motivated by return assistance.

Are there people who are stateless?

Yes. At the end of 2022, an estimated 4.4 million people worldwide were either stateless or of undetermined nationality, 90,800 more than at the end of 2021.

How many asylum applications are submitted each year?

Almost 2.9 million asylum applications were submitted worldwide in 2022. The USA, Germany and Costa Rica received the most applications. USA 730,400, Germany 217,800, Costa Rica 129,500.

How many asylum applications are submitted each year?

Almost 2.9 million asylum applications were submitted worldwide in 2022. The USA, Germany and Costa Rica received the most applications. USA 730,400, Germany 217,800, Costa Rica 129,500.


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