
According to current statistics from the Federal Statistical Office, around 40% of the permanent Swiss resident population aged 15 and over had a history of migration in 2022.

These people, coming from different generations and nations, characterise the way we live together. With over 140 nations represented, Biel/Bienne thrives on this diversity.

We recognise numerous opportunities in this and are actively committed to utilising them. At the same time, we are aware that structural inequalities exist.

We strive to create social conditions that promote equal opportunities and are committed to combating structural inequalities.

Diversity as enrichment for Biel.

Our commitment to the community

With targeted projects in the Biel region, we strengthen social and cultural participation in society, promote equal opportunities and create space for participation and civic engagement. We make a regional contribution to sustainable development and strengthen the social fabric.

FAIR Pikto Quote2

Social life is very important. You can't live alone. You need friends and family. I myself look for social life - I need it. The door is open here. This is where I find friendly encounters.

- Kassem, Volunteer Haus pour Bienne


Our work is only possible thanks to the countless support of people like you. Your donation is also a decision in favour of sustainability, human rights and equal opportunities.

Further information on the topic of community

What makes a good community?

A society with equal rights and opportunities for all, in which every person can feel that they belong. This applies to all areas of society and includes important topics such as language support, education and the labour market, as well as health and sport, art and culture, media and volunteering.

What do you mean by participation?

For the FAIR! association, participation means that all people are actively involved in decision-making processes and have the opportunity to contribute their perspectives and ideas. The organisation strives to create and offer open and democratic structures in which everyone is heard and co-determination is encouraged.

What do you mean by equal opportunities?

Equality of opportunity means that all people, regardless of their origin, gender, social situation or other characteristics, have the same opportunities to participate and develop their personality. The organisation is committed to eliminating structural disadvantages and creating equal starting conditions for everyone in order to promote a fairer and more inclusive society.

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